Calatoriile sint modul prin care imi incarc sufletul, iar dupa atitia ani, ma infrupt din asta cu aceeasi placere si nu ma satur!
Cafeaua mi-a oferit aceasta placere sublima de a combina doua lucruri pe care le iubesc la fel de mult, sa calatoresc pentru a descoperi si degusta cafele senzationale!
Acum doua saptamini am trait una din cele mai frumoase experiente legate de cafea, intilnitndu-l pe Graciano Cruz!
Graciano este din Panama, este fermier, unul atipic cei drept si calatoreste impreuna cu boabele sale minunate sa ofere oamenilor pasionati, experiente de neuitat.
Am fost invitata sa particip la un cupping profesional la Samba Coffee Rosters in Atena si da, a fost o experienta profesionala, senzoriala si de networking care mi-a schimbat iremedial perspectiva asupra a ceea ce fac.
Graciano e plin de viata, e un nebun frumos, atit de pasionat de ce face. incit calatoreste mai mult, decit sta cu familia sa, pentru a experimenta cafea, a trai cafea , a degusta si e molipsitor, incit la final esti indragostit total de personalitatea lui.
Echipa de la Samba a reusit sa adune la acest eveniment tineri barista, roasteri, proprietari de cafenele, o comunitate de iubitori de cafea, care chiar daca sint concurenti, intr-o piata de extrem de puternica, au venit pentru o experienta senzoriala unica.
M-am simtit tare norocoasa dupa doua ore de cupping si va spun sincer, ca daca faceam asta trei zile, nu m-as fi plictisit.
Am testat cafele din Panama si El Salvador, toate natural proces, diverse incrucisari si moduri de prajire, senzationale!
Citeodata experientele prin care treci, te golesc de cuvinte si nu le mai gasesti, ca sa poti exprima, ceea ce ai vrea sa spui, am in minte doar aromele si gusturile si energia frumoasa a oamenilor pe care i-am intilnit pe care sincer mi-as dori sa o intilnesc mai des si la noi.
Athena e frumoasa, galagioasa ca o adolescenta si DA, grecii stiu sa te faca sa o iubesti si mai mult, prin pofta lor de viata!
Am vizitat cele mai importante cafenele din Atena, nu am reusit sa ajung la toate, dar exista data viitoare, cind vor mai fi citeva noi, care acum se modeleaza.
Ce mi-a placut cel mai mult este faptul, ca daca isi deschide unul din ei o microrosterie nu se gindeste, cum sa se duca sa-i ia clientii amicului sau, ci se gindeste, cum sa-si aduca clienti in locatia lui, pentru ca are cafeaua cea mai buna, retetele cele mai interesante, oamenii cei mai priceputi.
Asta mi s-a parut cu adevarat frumos, pentru ca dincolo de ceea ce detii, e calitatea umana, care ne face sau nu speciali.
De cind m-am apucat sa scriu pe acest blog, ma invirt in jurul acestei idei....CALITATEA UMANA.
Este simplu.....e ca atunci cind cautam specialitty coffee si nu cafea comerciala, de ce?pentru calitate, asta se aplica peste tot!
Nu conteaza cit de frumoasa e locatia ta, cit de frumos zimbesti in poze, cit de fericit esti ca tu ai reusit, dind din coate si calcind pe sufletele oamenilor, asta chiar nu conteaza, conteaza CALITATEA UMANA, care ne face speciali ca si Graciano Cruz si cafelele lui sau ordinary people, care pretind ca sint speciali.
Keep in mind and drink good coffee!
Mai jos aveti traducerea facuta de Graciano, acestui material!
Journeys are the way that I upload the soul, and after so many years, I partake of it with the same pleasure and not get enough!
Coffee gave me this sublime pleasure to combine two things that I love so much, to travel to discover and taste sensational coffee!
Two weeks ago I experienced one of the most beautiful experiences related to coffee, intilnitndu it on Graciano Cruz!
Graciano is from Panama, is a farmer, as the atypical and travels with its wonderful beans to give people passionate, unforgettable experiences.
I was invited to participate in a professional cupping Coffee Samba da rosters in Athens and was a professional experience, sensory and networking that irreparably changed my perspective on what I do.
Graciano is full of life, is crazy beautiful, so passionate about what he does. exciting travels more than sit with his family to experience coffee, coffee live, to taste and it was contagious, so that in the end you total love his personality.
Samba team managed to gather at this event young barista, roaster, cafe owners, a community of coffee lovers that even if competitors are in a very strong market came to a unique sensory experience.
I felt very lucky after two hours of cupping and honestly say that if I was doing it three days, I would not be bored.
We tested coffees from Panama and El Salvador, all natural process, various crossings and ways of roasting, sensational!
Sometimes experiences are through, you empty words and no longer find, so you can express what you want to say, I have in mind just beautiful aromas and flavors and energy of the people I've met on my sincere I want to meet more often to us.
Athena is beautiful, loud as a teenager, and yes, the Greeks know how to make you love her more, by their lust for life!
We visited the most important cafes in Athens, we did not arrive at all, but there next time, when there will be some new shapes that now.
What I liked most is the fact that if one of them opens a microrosterie not consider how to go get his clients his friend, but is thinking how to bring customers's location, coffee because it has the best, most interesting recipes, most skilled people.
That seemed really nice, because beyond what you own, it's human quality that makes us special or not.
Ever since I started writing this blog, I revolve around this idea .... human qualities.
It's simple ..... is that when looking specialitty coffee and commercial coffee not, why? For quality that applies everywhere!
No matter how beautiful is your location, how nice smiling in pictures, how happy you are that you have failed, giving the elbows and stepping on people's souls, it really does not matter, matter of human qualities that makes us special as Graciano Cruz and his coffee or ordinary people who claim that they are special.
Mai jos aveti traducerea facuta de Graciano, acestui material!
Journeys are the way that I upload the soul, and after so many years, I partake of it with the same pleasure and not get enough!
Coffee gave me this sublime pleasure to combine two things that I love so much, to travel to discover and taste sensational coffee!
Two weeks ago I experienced one of the most beautiful experiences related to coffee, intilnitndu it on Graciano Cruz!
Graciano is from Panama, is a farmer, as the atypical and travels with its wonderful beans to give people passionate, unforgettable experiences.
I was invited to participate in a professional cupping Coffee Samba da rosters in Athens and was a professional experience, sensory and networking that irreparably changed my perspective on what I do.
Graciano is full of life, is crazy beautiful, so passionate about what he does. exciting travels more than sit with his family to experience coffee, coffee live, to taste and it was contagious, so that in the end you total love his personality.
Samba team managed to gather at this event young barista, roaster, cafe owners, a community of coffee lovers that even if competitors are in a very strong market came to a unique sensory experience.
I felt very lucky after two hours of cupping and honestly say that if I was doing it three days, I would not be bored.
We tested coffees from Panama and El Salvador, all natural process, various crossings and ways of roasting, sensational!
Sometimes experiences are through, you empty words and no longer find, so you can express what you want to say, I have in mind just beautiful aromas and flavors and energy of the people I've met on my sincere I want to meet more often to us.
Athena is beautiful, loud as a teenager, and yes, the Greeks know how to make you love her more, by their lust for life!
We visited the most important cafes in Athens, we did not arrive at all, but there next time, when there will be some new shapes that now.
What I liked most is the fact that if one of them opens a microrosterie not consider how to go get his clients his friend, but is thinking how to bring customers's location, coffee because it has the best, most interesting recipes, most skilled people.
That seemed really nice, because beyond what you own, it's human quality that makes us special or not.
Ever since I started writing this blog, I revolve around this idea .... human qualities.
It's simple ..... is that when looking specialitty coffee and commercial coffee not, why? For quality that applies everywhere!
No matter how beautiful is your location, how nice smiling in pictures, how happy you are that you have failed, giving the elbows and stepping on people's souls, it really does not matter, matter of human qualities that makes us special as Graciano Cruz and his coffee or ordinary people who claim that they are special.
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